
Terjemahan Cerpen 'Boy's Job Appraisal'

Boy's Job Appraisal (Penilaian Pekerjaan Anak Laki-Laki) A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it over to the telephone. He climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone and proceeded to punch in seven digits (phone numbers). The store-owner observed and listened to the conversation. Seorang anak kecil masuk ke dalam sebuah toko obat-obatan, menggapai sebuah karton soda dan menariknya kearah telepon. Dia menaiki karton tersebut sehingga dia bisa mencapai tombol-tombol di telepon itu dan mulai menekannya sebanyak tujuh digit (nomor hp). Si pemilik toko mengamati dan mendengar percakapan tersebut. Boy: 'Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn? Anak laki-laki: "Nona, bisakah kamu memberiku pekerjaan merapikan halaman rumahmu?" Woman: (at the other end of the phone line): 'I already have someone to cut my lawn.' Wanita: (di sisi lain sambungan telepon): "Aku telah memiliki orang untuk me

Terjemahan Cerpen Greedy Boy

Sam and Tom were identical twins. They were so identical that even their mother found it difficult to distinguish one from the other, at least during their initial days on earth. Sam dan Tom adalah saudara kembar identik. mereka sangat mirip sampai-sampai ibu mereka kesulitan membedakan satu dengan yang lainnya, setidaknya pada awal-awal kelahiran mereka di bumi. However, they were very different from each other when it came to everything other than their appearance. Sam had no friends, while Tom was a great friendship maker. Sam loved sweets, but Tom loved spicy food and detested sweets. Sam was mommy's pet and tom was daddy's pet. while Sam was generous and selfless, Tom was greedy and selfish! Akan tetapi, mereka sangat berbeda satu sama lainnya ketika menyangkut segala hal selain penampilan mereka. Sam tidak mempunyai teman, sementara Tom adalah seorang yang mudah bergaul. Sam suka makanan manis, tapi Tom suka makanan pedas dan membenci makanan manis. Sam adalah anak kesaya

Terjemahan Kisah Ulama Salaf The Story of The First Time Shaikh Utsaimin Ate Apple Fruit

25 Jumadil Awal Kisah Pertama Kali Syaikh al-Utsaimin Memakan Buah Apel: The Story of The First Time Shaikh Utsaimin Ate Apple Fruit Source: Suatu saat, Syaikh Utsaimin datang mengunjungi kota Madinah. Salah seorang kaya mengundang beliau makan malam di rumahnya. One time, Shaikh Utsaimin came to visit city of Medina. One of rich men invited him for having dinner in his home. Hadir bersama beliau dalam jamuan makan malam tersebut, empat orang, termasuk Syaikh Abdrurrozaq dan Syaikh Utsaimin. Saat memasuki ruang makan, pandangan Syaikh Utsaimin tertuju pada tumpukan buah-buahan beraneka ragam yang tertata rapi menyerupai gunung kecil. There came along with him in the dinner invitation, four people, including Shaikh Abdurrozaq and Shaikh Utsaimin. When entering the dining room, Shaikh Utsaimin's view was directed to a pile of fruits variously arranged well like small mountain. Syaikh l

Terjemahan Cerpen A Poor Little Girl

13 Rabiul Akhir 1441 H A Poor Little Girl: Seorang Gadis Kecil yang Miskin: Source Picture: Once, a rich lady, having no child of her own, decided to adopt a girl child. For this, she gave advertisements in various newspapers. Many poor women came to sell their daughters to her. Suatu ketika, seorang wanita kaya, tidak memiliki anak dari dirinya sendiri, memutuskan untuk mengadopsi seorang anak perempuan. Demi (hal) ini, dia memberikan iklan di berbagai macam surat kabar. Banyak wanita miskin datang untuk menjual anak perempuan mereka kepadanya. The rich lady gave some money to all girls and asked them to go to the market and buy their favourite things. Sang wanita kaya memberikan berapa uang kepada semua anak perempuan dan menyuruh mereka pergi ke pasar dan membeli barang-barang kesukaan mereka. On returning, all the girls showed the rich lady, the things they had bought. Mos

Terjemahan Cerpen Marbles and Sweets

13 Rabiul Akhir 1441 H Marbles And Sweets: Kelereng dan Permen: Picture Source: A boy and a girl were playing together. The boy had a collection of marbles. The girl had some sweets with her. The boy told the girl that he will give her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets. The girl agreed. Seorang anak laki-laki dan perempuan sedang bermain bersama. Sang anak laki-laki memiliki koleksi kelereng. Si anak perempuan memiliki beberapa permen disisinya. Si anak laki-laki memberitahukan si anak perempuan bahwa dia akan memberikannya semua kelerengnya sebagai pertukaran untuk permennya. Si anak perempuan setuju. The boy kept the biggest and the most beautiful marble aside and gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets as she had promised. Si anak laki-laki menyimpan kelereng yang paling besar dan paling indah dan memberikan sisanya kepada si anak perempuan. Si anak perempuan memberinya semua

Terjemahan Cerpen Milkmaid and Her Pail

13 Rabiul Akhir 1441 H Milkmaid And Her Pail: Wanita Pemerah Susu dan Embernya: Picture Source: A Milkmaid had been out to milk the cows and was returning from the field with the shining milk pail balanced nicely on her head. As she walked along, her pretty head was busy with plans for the days to come. Seorang wanita pemerah susu pergi untuk memerah sapi dan kembali dari ladang dengan ember susu yang bersinar yang diseimbangkan dengan baik di atas kepalanya. Karena dia berjalan lama, kepala cantiknya sibuk dengan rencana-rencana untuk hari-hari yang akan datang.     “This good, rich milk,“ she mused,  “will give me plenty of cream to churn. The butter I make I will take to market, and with the money I get for it I will buy a lot of eggs for hatching. How nice it will be when they are all hatched and the yard is full of fine young chicks. Then when May day

Terjemahan Cerpen I Am Drowning

12 Rabiul Akhir 1441 H I am Drowning: Aku tenggelam: Picture Source: One day, a diver was enjoying the aquatic world 20 feet below sea level. He noticed a guy at the same depth, but with no scuba gear whatsoever. Suatu hari, seorang penyelam sedang menikmati dunia air 20 kaki di bawah permukaan laut. Dia melihat seorang lelaki pada kedalaman yang sama (dengannya), tetapi tanpa alat selam atau apapun. The diver went below another 20 feet, and the guy joined him a few minutes later. Si penyelam menyelam 20 kaki lagi, dan si lelaki menyertainya beberapa menit kemudian. The diver went below 25 feet, and minutes later, the same guy joined him. Si penyelam menyelam ke kedalaman 25 kaki, dan beberapa menit kemudian, orang yang sama mengikutinya (lagi). This confused the diver, so he took out a waterproof chalkboard set, and wrote, "How the heck are you able to stay under